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arrival on: surname:*:
departure at: first name:*:
persons: country:*:
from that: postcode city:*:
adults: address *:
children (5-12 years): mobile *:
arrival time: if no mobile phone:

SSL encrypted mail. -
We do not give information to third parties.
The inquiries will be in regular form
abstaining / on express wish
also immediately from the operator of the
the house is being laundered.
 I agree, that 
Gaesteappartements Luedtke takes my data to the
purpose specified here stores and uses and
if necessary contact me by phone.
This consent can be submitted at any time
be revoked. It applies the Datenschutzerklaerung.*
form: (Umlaute und ß bitte ausschreiben, //ß: ss, ä: ae)(* = optional, * = erforderlich)



geo ok !

array ( 'geoplugin_request' => '', 'geoplugin_status' => 200, 'geoplugin_delay' => '1ms', 'geoplugin_credit' => 'Some of the returned data includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from', 'geoplugin_city' => 'Columbus', 'geoplugin_region' => 'Ohio', 'geoplugin_regionCode' => 'OH', 'geoplugin_regionName' => 'Ohio', 'geoplugin_areaCode' => '', 'geoplugin_dmaCode' => '535', 'geoplugin_countryCode' => 'US', 'geoplugin_countryName' => 'United States', 'geoplugin_inEU' => 0, 'geoplugin_euVATrate' => false, 'geoplugin_continentCode' => 'NA', 'geoplugin_continentName' => 'North America', 'geoplugin_latitude' => '39.9625', 'geoplugin_longitude' => '-83.0061', 'geoplugin_locationAccuracyRadius' => '1000', 'geoplugin_timezone' => 'America/New_York', 'geoplugin_currencyCode' => 'USD', 'geoplugin_currencySymbol' => '$', 'geoplugin_currencySymbol_UTF8' => '$', 'geoplugin_currencyConverter' => '0', )

loc : United States / Columbus / Ohio / 2024-04-27-09-04-53