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geo ok !

array ( 'geoplugin_request' => '', 'geoplugin_status' => 200, 'geoplugin_delay' => '1ms', 'geoplugin_credit' => 'Some of the returned data includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from', 'geoplugin_city' => 'Columbus', 'geoplugin_region' => 'Ohio', 'geoplugin_regionCode' => 'OH', 'geoplugin_regionName' => 'Ohio', 'geoplugin_areaCode' => '', 'geoplugin_dmaCode' => '535', 'geoplugin_countryCode' => 'US', 'geoplugin_countryName' => 'United States', 'geoplugin_inEU' => 0, 'geoplugin_euVATrate' => false, 'geoplugin_continentCode' => 'NA', 'geoplugin_continentName' => 'North America', 'geoplugin_latitude' => '39.9625', 'geoplugin_longitude' => '-83.0061', 'geoplugin_locationAccuracyRadius' => '1000', 'geoplugin_timezone' => 'America/New_York', 'geoplugin_currencyCode' => 'USD', 'geoplugin_currencySymbol' => '$', 'geoplugin_currencySymbol_UTF8' => '$', 'geoplugin_currencyConverter' => '0', )

loc : United States / Columbus / Ohio / 2024-04-28-05-04-50